Determining the Effect of Ultrasonic Noise on the Development of Escherichia Coli

The purpose of this experiment was to determine if ultrasonic sound had an effect on the growth of bacteria. In the past some deadly forms of bacteria have been mailed to American officials injuring many and killing others. If ultrasonic sound was found to be effective in limiting the growth of bacteria, it could be used as a defense for future biological attacks. To measure the amount of Escherichia coli, which was the bacteria that was tested, a spectrometer was used to measure the amount of light to pass through a test tube. The less light that passes through the test tube, the more bacteria are present. A control group and test group were tested. After collecting the data, a 2 sample t-test was conducted to compare the two sample means of the groups. Descriptive analysis was also used to analyze the data. The original hypothesis that the group of E. coli that received ultrasonic sound would have less bacteria was accepted. After conducting the 2 sample t-test, it was shown that the control group had a lower sample mean percentage of light pass through the test tubes from the spectrometer than the test group sample mean. This means that there was less bacteria in the test group than the control group. The information gathered from the experiment can help in different aspects of the world. The most relevant application, however, is the possible defense against biological attacks. If bacteria can be killed using ultrasonic sound, it can help the world be more prepared for any future attacks.

Research Conducted By:

Tristen Delmotte
Sterling Heights High School

Robert Feld
Sterling Heights High School